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Wedding Plus-One Etiquette: Your Questions Answered

wedding guests standing during outdoor wedding ceremony

Wedding guest lists can quickly become complicated when you start considering plus-ones. The world of wedding etiquette can be a tricky one to navigate, so to help you out, we’ve created a comprehensive guide on wedding plus-one etiquette.

What is a Plus-One?

A plus-one is an additional invite for a wedding guest to bring a date (or friend). It’s usually indicated on the invitation by stating the invited guest’s name “and guest.”

When Should You Give a Plus-One?

Offering a plus-one is generally considered good etiquette in the following situations:

  • Married couples: This is non-negotiable – both halves of a married couple should be invited.
  • Engaged or live-in partners: If your guest is engaged or lives with their partner, they should be invited as well.
  • Long-term relationships: If your guest is in a long-term relationship, it’s respectful to invite their partner.

When is it Okay Not to Give a Plus-One?

You might choose not to offer a plus-one in these cases:

  • Single guests: If a guest isn’t in a serious relationship, it’s perfectly acceptable not to offer a plus-one.
  • Budget and space constraints: If your budget or venue size won’t accommodate extra guests, you can limit plus-ones.

How to Indicate Plus-One on the Invitation

Usually, if a guest is given a plus-one, the invitation will be addressed to “[Guest’s Name] and Guest.” If you know the name of the guest’s partner, it’s more personal to include that individual’s name.

Final Thoughts

Remember, it’s your wedding! While it’s important to be aware of etiquette, you also need to make decisions that suit your individual circumstances and preferences.

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