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A Complete Guide to a Protestant Wedding Ceremony Script

Newlyweds standing in front of a cross with their little children nearby

From the charming processional to the solemn pronouncement of marriage, a wedding ceremony is a harmonious blend of rituals and declarations that mark the beginning of a couple’s married life. When it comes to Protestant weddings, the focus is often on worshipping God, with the couple pledging their love and commitment before Him. In this guide, we’ll walk you through a typical Protestant ceremony script, helping you understand the flow and significance of each part.


The wedding ceremony begins with the processional. The groom, best man, and officiant enter first, typically from the side. Once they’re in place, the bridesmaids, groomsmen, maid or matron of honor, and ring bearer walk down the aisle. The bride makes her grand entrance last, usually escorted by her father or another special person.

Welcome and Opening Prayer

The officiant welcomes the guests and offers an opening prayer. This prayer typically thanks God for His love and asks for His blessing on the couple’s marriage.

Declaration of Intent

In the declaration of intent, the officiant asks the couple if they are prepared to marry each other. This is the famous “I do” moment, where each person affirms their intention to enter into marriage.

Exchange of Vows

The couple then exchanges vows. These can either be traditional, religious vows or personal vows written by the couple. The exchange of vows is a solemn and heartfelt moment, as each person promises to love, cherish, and support the other.

Exchange of Rings

Following the vows, the couple exchanges wedding rings. The officiant usually explains the significance of the rings as a symbol of unending love and commitment.

Unity Ceremony

Some Protestant weddings include a unity ceremony, where the couple performs a symbolic act to represent their newly joined lives. This could be lighting a unity candle, pouring sand into a single container, or another significant act.

Pronouncement of Marriage

The officiant then pronounces the couple as married. This is often accompanied by the words, “What God has joined together, let no one separate.”


The ceremony concludes with the recessional. The newlyweds exit the ceremony space first, followed by the wedding party and then the guests. This is usually a moment of joy and celebration, as the couple begins their married life together.

Final Thoughts

A Protestant wedding ceremony is a meaningful event filled with love, commitment, and faith. By understanding the traditional script, you can customize your ceremony to reflect your personal beliefs and values. As you plan your wedding, remember that this day is about you and your partner—so feel free to add, remove, or alter any aspects of the ceremony to make it uniquely yours.

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